Selling aluminium in The Hague and surroundings

High price for scrap aluminium

Please come to Geeldhoed Metaalhandel in Nootdorp with all your aluminium waste: rolled aluminium, natural or lacquer aluminum extrusion profiles, new aluminum (plates, pieces, clippings), cast aluminium, aluminium lithographic sheets, aluminium radiators, aluminium copper coolers, aluminium blinds, aluminium cables, aluminium rims, aluminium turnings, etc. We pay high prices for aluminium.

Selling aluminium

Whether you come from Nootdorp, The Hague, Delft, Rijswijk, Zoetermeer, Westland, Haaglanden area or other areas, at Geelhoed Metaalhandel you are at the right place if you want to sell scrap aluminium.

We use current scrap aluminium prices, based on the LME courses for new metals. To make life easier for you we publish the daily aluminium prices on our website.

Current aluminium price

Larger quantities may yield higher prices. Please contact us if you have any questions, even with regard to different aluminium types or larger quantities.

  Metal type Price / kg
Nieuw aluminium New aluminium € 1.60 € 1.60
Oud aluminium Scrap molded / hammered aluminium € 1.15 € 1.15
Aluminium lakprofiel Coloured aluminium profile € 1.70 € 1.70
Blank aluminium profiel White aluminium profile € 2.00 € 2.00
Aluminium offset Aluminium lithographic sheets € 1.70 € 1.70
Aluminium velgen Aluminium rims € 1.65 € 1.65
Aluminium draaisel Aluminium turnings € 0.40 € 0.40

More information? Call us or send a What’s App message!

Familiar address for your scrap metals

Geelhoed Metaalhandel is around for more than 60 years and many companies from The Hague, Delft, Rotterdam and the surrounding area have found their way to our company. Companies visit us because of our quick and friendly service and our high scrap aluminium prices. We have meanwhile also become a familiar address to hand in aluminium and all sorts of other metals for private parties from The Hague and the surrounding area.

Printing companies are welcome to hand over aluminium offset plates

Aluminium offset plates are waste material of printing companies’ activities. Offset plates are very suitable to be recycled and are thus valuable material. If you are not only interested in a good price but also anxious to know for sure that Geelhoed destroys the offset plates before they are transported to the aluminium melter, our modern Lindemann scrap baler does it quickly and without any trouble. Your staff is welcome to witness the baling process and we will issue a certificate of destruction (including photos).

More information about selling aluminium

Please contact us for more information about handing over aluminium. Call us on telephone number +31 (0)15-2730575 or send us a What’s App message: 06-30660760.

The price of aluminium has maintained its price, with some minor fluctuations, at more than € 1,400 per ton, despite insecurity at the stock exchange after the Brexit. Sales of most types of aluminium is however troublesome in view of the limited demands from factories; this causes the price to lag somewhat behind. We will have to wait and see how the aluminium price develops.

Aluminium price development

De grafiek met de beurskoers van aluminium beschrijft de prijs van dit metaal over het afgelopen jaar

The graph depicting the share price of new aluminium shows this metal’s price development over the past year.

General information about aluminium

Aluminium, a non-ferro metal

Aluminium (abbreviation Al, specific weight 2.698, melting point 660 ˚C) is a silvery grey, light and originally soft metal. It is also a relatively young metal sort: it was discovered in 1824 and is commercially produced since 1889. The form and strength of aluminium can be easily adjusted by using small amounts of alloying elements. Heat and electricity are very well conducted by the metal. This non-ferro metal has great affinity with oxygen and corrodes quickly, which makes it very corrosion resistant.

Applications of aluminium

Aluminium is the most widely used non-ferro metal (more than 250 million tons a year worldwide). Pure aluminium is processed via rolling or extrusion processes to foils and plates and profiles. Think of products such as plane and car bodies, soda cans, window frame and greenhouse constructions and packaging material. Secondary (recycled) aluminium is usually melted into blocks and used in the car industry (engine blocks and gear boxes), construction (e.g. door handles) and household appliances (white and brown goods).

  • Photos of aluminium applications
  • Pictures of the production of aluminium

A large part of the worldwide aluminium supply is lost because of dissipative use in paints, coatings and deoxidising agents.

Recycling aluminium and pricing scrap aluminium

The aluminium application life span is usually short (think of cars and packaging material). Therefore, it is possible to collect and purchase large amounts of scrap aluminium, however, it should be organised in a proper manner in all parts of the chain since a great deal of aluminium may otherwise be lost in garbage. Although melting of aluminium is rather costly, recycling aluminium is of great importance in view of the environment and because of the scrap aluminium price. The chemical and electrolysis process that turn raw material bauxite into aluminium costs a large amount of energy. Aluminium is harmless to man. We base our scrap aluminium purchase price on the LME course.

Geelhoed is the address for companies and private parties in The Hague and the surrounding area.

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