New clients are invited to read the article below. It explains the procedure when you visit us to hand over scrap metals.
Metals are easy to recycle. If you sell us your old metals (or lead batteries, copper cables, circuit boards and catalysts) we will recycle them into new material. When you bring your old metal to Geelhoed you do not only make money but also contribute to a cleaner environment. The more material we recycle, the less scarce resources need to be used.
- When you have a batch of scrap metal, please visit us during opening hours at our Nootdorp address to hand it over. An appointment is not necessary. The price we pay for your metals depends on the day price. Please check our price list for our current metal prices. If you have a large quantity, please contact us by phone to talk about the price.
- Our staff is happy to help once you are at our premises. When you visit us for the first time, please approach a staff member for assistance. If you do not see any staff, push the red button on the wall near the warehouse entrance and someone will be there to help.
- The metals are weighed per type of metal if you deliver them sorted. Smaller batches are weighed on scales, for larger batches we use a weigh bridge. Your vehicle is weighed with and without the metals in it in order to determine the weight. Obviously, we weigh all materials honestly. That has always been our trademark. Our weighing scales and weigh bridges are calibrated and maintained regularly. One of our staff members helps you place the metals in the appropriate containers. Iron may be placed on the scrap heap after it is weighed.
- The weight is imported in the computer and sent to the office. You will be given a receipt and are referred to the office.
- At the office you will receive your money. The price we pay for the material depends on the day prices. We pay in cash or via bank transfer, according to your wishes. We will print your invoice. You need to be able to identify yourself, preferably with a driver’s licence, if you bring copper or copper wire.
That’s all! Your metals are recycled and will be used again.